The normal mode is merely a pitch shifter, whereas the Midi mode allows you to control the pitch using midi input with an optional glide feature. Pitch Monster features three modes of performance: Normal, Midi, and Chord. However, if you want to get creative and produce melodies for vocal chops, try the vocode mode. It sounds the most natural for monophonic vocals. I suggest using the Forbmant mode for general voice editing and creating harmonies. Formant changes the pitch of the vowel and the consonant separately, whereas Vocode flattens vibrato. Conversely, the latter two engines are better suited for solo vocals. The Granular Engine is suitable for any kind of audio, and you can even adjust the granule size. The plugin features three pitch-shifting engines: Granular, Formant, and Vocode.

Similarly, it can create eight-voice harmony, with each voice capable of eight unison voices.

This flexibility makes Pitch Monster an unbeatable tool for sound designing. The plugin can change pitch up to six octaves from the original key.